Become Part Of A Bigger, Long Lasting Solution For Change. Join Us In The Fight Against Poverty And Homelessness In The Greater Waterbury Area!
Donate Money

GWIM is in need of monetary donations. Your donations will save lives and empower caring communities. You can give in many different ways including
Planned Giving and Stocks, Estate planning Corporate Giving, Organizing a fundraiser, organize or add an event. We accept all major credit cards.
Help us in the fight against hunger and
work to provide self-sufficiency
and resources to our beautiful people!
Donate Time

Want to get involved? We have many ways for you to get involved that will be meaningful and impactful to those living in poverty and homelessness. You will always find a friendly and welcoming environment that will be sure to touch your heart.
If you have never been to GWIM, you really need to stop by and see the soup kitchen as well as the food pantry. We are in need of volunteers to help us with our different scheduled events throughout the year. We also encourage Youth Groups to get involved.
Help us in the fight against hunger and work to provide self-sufficiency and resources to our beautiful people!
Donate Food

GWIM has a Food Pantry where they store all non-perishable food. Canned foods, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, rice, coffee, desserts, etc. Please make sure it is not expired.
GWIM also serves hot meals Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday they hand out sandwich bags. They accept freshly cooked food, frozen foods i.e., turkey chicken, ham, casserole dishes, etc.
Do you know if you you have too much food from a holiday or party, and if stored properly, GWIM would gladly take it. Bring it down to GWIM at 770 East Main Street, Waterbury, CT.
We gladly accept restaurant or grocery stores that have food to donate.
Any food donations are gladly welcomed and accepted
Monday – Friday 9 am – 12 pm.
Help us in the fight against hunger and work to provide self-sufficiency and resources to our beautiful people!
Donations of food accepted Monday – Friday 9 am – 12 pm
Planned Giving & Stocks

GWIM helps out families in need, which means those people
who can’t quite make ends meet, homeless people, those in
need of clothing, babies in need of diapers, etc.
But we can’t do all of this without your help.
And there are so many ways to help.
Help us in the fight against hunger and work to
provide self-sufficiency and resources
to our beautiful people!