GWIM in the News

Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries: Feeding Community
The line starts forming as early as 4 a.m. at the food pantry run by Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM).
It’s the last Monday of the month, and by then food stamps have been spent and people are hungry. Many have come early so they can still make it to work on time.
On days like this, GWIM distributes more than 10,000 pounds of basic groceries, including canned vegetables, frozen meats, cereal and bread, to 350 people struggling to put food on their tables. GWIM also serves thousands of meals—365 days per year—to people in need. Many are children.

Project PB & J: Women@Carmody Prepares 250 Bagged Lunches For Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries
On Friday, August 17, attorneys and staff at Carmody & Torrance came into the office an hour early armed with aprons and supplies to prepare brown bag lunches for the Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries’ (GWIM) Soup Kitchen. Groups of volunteers were responsible for making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and assembling the bags. Each brown bag contained a sandwich, a juice box, and a healthy snack.
The project was organized by the firm’s women’s initiative, Women@Carmody. Co-chairs Isa Squicciarini and Jen Calcagni delivered the 250 bagged lunches, which were enough to fill a large SUV, to St. John’s Church on the Waterbury Green just before noon on Friday. Barbara Dublin, Executive Director of GWIM, was there to receive the bags, saying simply, You saved us.

Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries Inc. Partners with Pontelandolfo Community Club
Pontelandolfo Club to Host Dinner to Benefit Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries
Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM) is excited to announce their partnership with the Pontelandolfo Community Club. The Club will host a dinner on June 4th 2018 at 6:30 pm with a portion of the proceeds going to GWIM and The Pontelandolfo Clubs other community engagement.
GWIM has been in existence in the Greater Waterbury Community since 1954. Their mission is to feed the hungry in a respectful and dignified manner, and to empower the homeless and underprivileged. GWIM provides an array of services, including daily meals in their Soup Kitchen, an Emergency Food Pantry, and a Resource Center. The value placed on respecting each individual, has shaped the visionary approach as to how the services are provided. Anyone who visits the GWIM Emergency Food Pantry will have the experience of shopping and making choices that are best for themselves and their families. GWIM is inspired and committed to making certain that the food pantry services could be provided in this manner.